The Future of Instructional Design

The Future of Instructional Design

How is AI turbocharging efficiency? Learn more here, where we speak with Eric Byron on the Education Innovators Podcast.

Our recent podcast with Eric Byron delved into the seismic shifts in AI in e-learning propelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s transformative role, and the emergence of just-in-time learning. Read on to learn more about what we talked about.


Hear the podcast here: 

"We’re on a mission to make e-learning exciting and effective. No more sleeping pills."

Ivy Shi, Founder of Learnmonade

"We’re on a mission to make e-learning exciting and effective. No more sleeping pills."

Ivy Shi, Founder of Learnmonade

"We’re on a mission to make e-learning exciting and effective. No more sleeping pills."

Ivy Shi, Founder of Learnmonade

1) The Cost Conundrum : From Production Pains to Fresh AI Solutions

The traditional training methods in content creation and delivery bore a hefty price tag, a burden that many companies found unsustainable during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizations had to reevaluate their training priorities, inevitably leading to cutbacks on training budgets.


With the hindsight wish that AI had come to the rescue earlier, we discussed the potential game-changing impact of virtual presenters and customizable video templates. These AI-powered tools not only slash costs but also expedite training processes, offering a lifeline for businesses navigating tight budgets.

2) Diverse Needs, Tailored Solutions: Adapting Content for Success

Our conversation highlighted the diverse training needs of employees and managers, emphasizing the importance of tailoring content and tone to specific roles. From clunky e-learning to bite-sized, dynamic experiences powered by AI, the shift is real.

This exciting evolution enables organizations to swiftly adapt and update content, ensuring its relevance in a rapidly changing business landscape.

3) Learning at the Speed of Now: Just-in-Time Learning

A significant portion of our discussion centered on the concept of just-in-time learning, drawing parallels to the convenience and flexibility of on-demand services like Uber.


“Just-in-time learning is like Uber. Learn only when you need it”
– Ivy Shi


Imagine learning precisely what you need, exactly when you need it! New technologies foster an interactive and immersive learning environment, replacing isolated systems with hands-on, practical learning experiences.

4) Building Tomorrow's Workforce: Criteria for Successful L&D Programs

As the podcast came to an end, we shared a roadmap for successful learning and development (L&D) programs. 


Key considerations included aligning training with specific business outcomes, ensuring cost-effectiveness, promoting retention rates, and combatting the forgetting curve through active learning.


Lastly, there is a need for agility and adaptability in training programs. Acknowledging the inevitability of change and the imperative to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving business landscape is what truly matters.

5) The Human Element in the Digital Age: Can AI Bridge the Emotional Gap?

While AI excels in efficiency, the challenge lies in capturing the elusive human touch and emotions. As we embrace the future of training, finding ways to imbue AI-driven programs with emotional resonance remains a frontier for development, ensuring that the efficiency gains don’t come at the cost of human connection.


As businesses navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital era, embracing these innovative approaches to training can pave the way for more effective, efficient, and resonant learning experiences.

Let Us Help!

Join us in charting the course for a future where training isn’t just a necessity but a dynamic and engaging journey.

With e-learning as the perfect solution, we offer flexible and accessible training options to meet your needs.

Contact us at [email protected] for further enquiries. We’ll chat about how to turn your learning ideas into reality.

Contact us at [email protected] for further enquiries. We’ll chat about how to turn your learning ideas into reality.

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