3 Reasons Why Learners Forget Your Online Training Content

3 Reasons Why Learners Forget Your Online Training Content

In the fast-paced world of online training, capturing learners’ attention and ensuring knowledge retention can be a challenging task.

You’ve put in countless hours to create engaging and informative content, only to find that learners quickly forget what they’ve learned. That’s not great at all. That’s a secret struggle most instructional designers face – the battle against forgetfulness. 


Have you ever wondered why learners quickly forget the valuable content you craft so meticulously?

Let’s uncover the reasons behind this phenomenon and explore effective strategies to combat it.

Reason 1

The forgetting curve

Reason 2

Lack of practice

Reason 3

Failure to engage learners

Reason 1: The Forgetting Curve

Have you ever noticed how fast memories can fade away? 


Enter the “forgetting curve,” a phenomenon discovered by Hermann Ebbinghaus. This curve indicates that learners tend to forget information rapidly without proper reinforcement. Online training often fails to tackle this curve, leading to a loss of knowledge retention over time. 


To combat this, consider implementing spaced repetition techniques, and reinforcing key concepts at strategic intervals. By reviewing content at regular intervals, learners can retain information for more extended periods.

Reason 2: Lack of Practice

Practice makes perfect, and without it, knowledge tends to decay. Online training often focuses on delivering information, neglecting the crucial step of active practice. 


When learners don’t actively apply what they’ve learned, the knowledge becomes stagnant and easily forgotten. To address this issue, incorporate interactive exercises, real-life simulations, and scenarios that encourage learners to put their knowledge into action. 


By providing opportunities for hands-on practice, you’ll help your learners cement their understanding and improve retention.

Reason 3: Failure to Engage Learners

Imagine a monotonous online training course that drones on with uninteresting content. It’s an engagement disaster waiting to happen! 


When learners lack engagement, their minds wander, and the content becomes forgettable. To combat this, design interactive and immersive learning experiences that grab learners’ attention and keep them actively involved. 


Utilize multimedia elements, gamification techniques, and storytelling to captivate and sustain their interest. By fostering engagement, you’ll create a memorable learning experience that enhances retention and application.

Click on the video below to watch a recap of the blog.

Click on the video below to watch a recap of the blog.

In a Nutshell...

In the world of online training, combating forgetfulness is essential for creating impactful learning experiences. By addressing the three key reasons mentioned in this blog, you can design courses that leave a lasting impression.

Let Us Help!

In fact, if you need help developing these innovative solutions, let us help you.

Contact us at [email protected] for further enquiries. We’ll chat about how to turn your learning ideas into reality.

Contact us at [email protected] for further enquiries. We’ll chat about how to turn your learning ideas into reality.

Additionally, check out our range of mini-courses for impactful learning experiences.

Additionally, check out our range of mini-courses for impactful learning experiences.

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