Check Out Our Videos

This page contains examples of our animated videos, our live-action film videos, and videos from our partner, Josh Tam.

Visually define poor fit

Visually define poor fit

3D Transformation, the why, what and how

3D Transformation, the why, what and how

Construction considerations

Construction considerations

How does size affect pattern balance tops

How does size affect pattern balance tops

Elearning revolution

Elearning revolution

Onboarding HR introduction

Onboarding HR introduction

Discussing return on investment

Discussing return on investment

During a fit session

During a fit session

Why plus size

Why plus size

Similarities between a jacket & toaster

Similarities between a jacket & toaster

Fit session routine best practices

Fit session routine best practices

IJ bootcamp & final showdown

IJ bootcamp & final showdown

HKFW HeForShe ‘we together’

HKFW HeForShe ‘we together’

Mulberry house

Mulberry house

Chef Kwarme in Hong Kong

Chef Kwarme in Hong Kong