Content Development: Using ChatGPT to Generate High-Quality and Engaging Content

Content Development: Using ChatGPT to Generate High-Quality and Engaging Content

Learn how AI can help you with content development tasks such as needs analysis, research, storyboarding, creation, and assessment.

In the not-so-distant past, developing training courses took a lot of work. Teams would spend ages trying to come up with content from scratch, bouncing between different documents and tools.


But as the need for top-notch training materials grew, so did the need for a better way of doing things.

Our journey towards efficient content development begins with a structured step-by-step process (often done manually):

Needs Analysis and Planning
Content Research and Gathering
Content Creation
Assessment and Quizzes

What if I told you that AI could free up your time and help you with all the tasks on the list?

AI-Powered Solutions That Assist The Content Creation Process

That’s right, don’t let writer’s block hold you back – artificial intelligence can help you. Let’s take a closer look at some handy tools that simplify the course content creation process.


Click on the tabs below to view the tools.


Sources info from 2021 and before.

  • Functions like a chatbot with a natural conversation flow.
  • Has memory that allows it to remember earlier comments.
  • Free


  • Ensures content is always on brand and consistent with tone.
  • Helps prepare entire content articles, blocks, or outlines in seconds.
  • Starts at USD$39/month.


  • Provides real-time intelligence assistance across Microsoft apps.
  • Summarizes, rewrites, generates and enhances text based on user preferences.
  • Starts at USD$30/month.

In this blog, let’s focus on the popular ChatGPT and work on building a course outline.

1. If you’re starting from scratch

If you need to start from scratch with limited ideas or don’t know where to begin, you can prompt ChatGPT to help you generate the content you need for your next course.

a) Brainstorm content topics

Step one is making a decision about your teaching topic. All you need is a simple prompt to start brainstorming.

Generate a list of topic ideas for a new online course about [subject]

We prompted the following:

Generate a list of topic ideas for a new online course about mental health in the workplace.

You can also specify the number of ideas on the topic.

b) Generate course topics

Once you’ve chosen a topic, request ChatGPT to generate the course titles.

Write 10 catchy titles for an online course on [topic] addressing [audience] as your audience.

We prompted the following:

Write 10 catchy titles for an online course on 'Creating a Supportive Workplace Culture: Promoting open communication about mental health' addressing HR Professionals as your audience.

Make sure to define your target audience before developing the course, as that detail can make ChatGPT’s response more tailored to your needs and audience.

2. Summarising content from a PDF

If you have existing content and want to elevate it from a ‘plain PDF’ to an engaging e-learning experience, you can use ChatGPT to summarize your material and generate a comprehensive course outline.

a) Summarise the content

You can use the prompt below to summarise your pre-existing content.

Please summarise the text I will be sending you. [text]

3. Creating the Outline

Now that you have the title, or the summary of the content ready, let’s continue along and create the learning objectives of the course.

a) Create learning objectives

You can use the following prompt to generate some learning objectives.

Please generate [number] course objectives for the course summarised above targeted to [audience].

We prompted the following:

Please generate 3 course objectives for the course above targeted to HR professionals.

These are the 3 course objectives we received.

b) Add a learning design model

You can be more specific and prompt ChatGPT to come up with learning objectives based on proven learning theories like the Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Please generate [number] course objectives for a course titled [Course title] targeted to [audience] with the [desired learning design model]

We prompted the following:

Please generate 3 course objectives for the course above targeted to HR professionals using Bloom's Taxonomy.

This is what ChatGPT generated.

c) Create a course outline or curriculum

Now that you have the course objectives ready, let’s carry on to create the outline of the course.

You can use the prompt below to create a course outline.

Please create a course outline catered to [target audience] that meets the [number] of objectives generated above.

We prompted the following:

Please create a course outline catered to HR professionals that meets the three objectives generated above.

Now you have the course outline ready, as well as the objectives. You can further explore and add more details to your prompt to get more out of ChatGPT, but this is a good starting point.

Additionally, you can go ahead and transform this course outline into a presentation, emphasizing the key points and learning objectives.

To access an overview of the course’s learning objectives, please click on the image.

Considerations for Using AI in Course Content Creation

AI is a fantastic ally in course content creation, but it’s not flawless.

Here are a few things you might want to handle personally:

Fine-Tuning for Clarity

AI-generated sentences can sometimes be awkward or unclear. Be prepared to refine the content for clarity and coherence, making sure it delivers relevant and valuable information to your learners.

Thorough Content Review

It's essential to carefully review the content generated by AI. While AI can process data related to your course topic, a human touch is necessary to ensure the content aligns perfectly with your needs.

Check out some other amazing AI apps you can try here to make your course creation experience better.

Contact us at [email protected] for further enquiries. We’ll chat about how to turn your learning ideas into reality.

Let us help.

You have the power to turn an ordinary course into an exciting adventure, so keep saving the world of learning!


At Learnmonade, we aim to showcase the possibilities of AI and help you tap into the potential of AI for education.

If you’re curious about how we can assist you, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Contact us at [email protected] for further enquiries. We’ll chat about how to turn your learning ideas into reality.

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